Final Paper

It is common knowledge that websites regularly collect specific user data online which then often goes to advertisement placement. Programmatic advertising is the means of such a process, and more and more companies are becoming aware that it may not be the best for their public reputation. Essentially, programmatic advertising is the process of placing …

Final Paper Proposal

Programmatic Advertising will surely make an appearance. This article looks interesting from Forbes This is about Xaxis, the biggest programmatic media and tech platform in the world working with 3,300 brands in 47 markets and produces more than $1 billion in revenue annually In the interview they discuss They work with companies to make …

Fact Check #1

In this far right oriented meme posted by the facebook group Ex-NFL Fans, we see text defending Donald Trump for allegedly having relations with Russia. Underneath this text includes unflattering pictures of both Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden with their alleged dealings with Russia. With Clinton apparently receiving donations to the Clinton Foundation from Russia …

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